At Kayros Group we believe in the idea of challenging the current state of security, a feature that should always be present in technology. We continually rethink the relationship between security and people with the aim of creating innovative products that are capable of transforming the concept of security, so we are always one step ahead of our attackers, who are increasingly present in our digital life.

Our strategy to try to tackle this problem has been to bring together at Kayros Group professionals with wide-ranging experience and an in-depth knowledge of security threats in order to create a dynamic and multidisciplinary team. But above all a team that is capable of transforming the concept of security to protect our customers.

We are focus on 3 particularly objectives:

  • Return control over their security and privacy to users.

  • Help to improve defense mechanisms against existing and emerging threats.

  • Contribute to increase the degree of confidence in current security infrastructures.

We focus all our experience and effort on creating innovative security products on which we work every day to offer security today and in the future:

  • Identity and privacy

    To give people control over their personal information and privacy in their digital lives:

  • Security switch for your digital life.
  • Device monitoring, tracking & surveillance.
  • Digital authentication.
  • Biometric solution.
  • Physical Private Security on the ground

    Immediate response capacity to define requirements, specify solutions and implement a protection plan.

  • Personnel Training.
  • Diagnosis of Communication Networks.
  • Air Space and Mobile Devices Cleaning.
  • Biometric Solution.
  • Security Equipment Installation and Alerts.
  • Total Scan of Vulnerable Areas.
  • Cybersecurity Services

    To help improve defense mechanisms against current and future threats:

  • Anticipation, detection and response against potential cyberthreats through a proactive approach based on cyberintelligence.
  • Persistent penetration testing.
  • Protection against data and sensible information leaks.
  • Cyber threat detection technology based on real-time information processing.
  • Monitoring and analysis of mobile threats.
  • Discovers all the assets of your organization that are exposed on the Internet.
  • Research and Labs Areas

    In our Research and Labs area we continually, dynamically, and quickly come up with new products and build prototypes in order to anticipate future security problems.

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